.. _versioning: =========== Versioning =========== The ``fragapy.versioning`` is simple package with tools to provide versioning to you Django applications. Most of utils which follows depend on one simple configuration variable expected in your Django settings file. Example follows:: VERSION = (1, 0, 0) ``fragapy.versioning.context_processors.version`` This is a Django context processor that will add ``VERSION`` variable in your template context. It can be feasible when you need to show application version in your web page footer or so. Configuration is simple, just add `fragarpy.versioning.context_processors.version` to your `TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS` tuple in Django settings. ``fragapy.versioning.utils.get_version`` This function returns the version tuple (e.g. `(1, 0, 0)`). ``fragapy.versioning.format.format_version`` Simple function that formats version tuple in human sensible way. Results might be ``1.0.0.`` or ``1.0`` depending on the lenght of version tuple given.